Monday, June 4, 2007

Just Heard Tim Ferriss

I listened to Tim Ferriss on Michael Port's Think Big Revolution Call just a little while ago. At first I wondered what I would learn that the book didn't already cover. I can tell you that I learned plenty! I'm not going to go into a full call outline here. Hopefully, Michael (he's a friend of mine) will let me post a link to the call recording here once it is ready. But I will hit a couple of the high points.

First, I'm all about the shortest route to get where I want to go. Tim told the audience that the way to experience the fastest impact of The 4-Hour Work Week (in 48 hours or less) is to concentrate on these two elements of the book:

-Your perfect life
-Your TMI (Total Monthly Income) required to live it
-Your TDI (Total Daily Income) required to live it.
This can be done in an afternoon.

-Focus on elimination rather than organization. Elimination focuses on getting rid of the unnecessary and organization can focus on organizing the unimportant.
-Put the email auto-responder in place. You can see the one I use right here at this blog.
-Look at business expenses. Eliminate those expenses that are not producing a significant financial yield and are producing stress and headaches.
-Look at customer base - use the same criteria as above.

So, there is my action plan for the week. Stay tuned as I get it all defined. My challenge point will the very first one: defining my ideal life specifically so I can then price it out. Because I tend to get cerebral on these kinds of exercises, this might take me a little longer than 48 hours.

The second thing he shared that really set me thinking was his definition of success: doing what you want to do but having the option not to do it. This kicked off the conversation about outsourcing. He did suggest outsourcing/systematizing one piece of your business at a time. Otherwise it can get mentally overwhelming.

I've already made my preliminary call to Your Man In India's VA service called Get Friday. I've given them parameters on a couple of pressing projects and "The Support Team" is going to call me back in 24 hours. I'll let you know how that goes.

Now, you need to know that I already have a Fabulous VA named Amber Miller (she can be found at We are moving into an intense work period for an event launch and she is going to need backup. My plan is to find someone that we both like and let her do the managing.

If you get the chance to listen to Tim on any of the conference calls he is doing these days, jump at the chance. You will hear great stuff that he does NOT cover in the book. I'll probably be on the call, too, as I seem to be addicted to the special way he turns my brain inside out!

Reality Is Negotiable.


1 comment:

Profit, Purpose and Beyond said...

Sarah! Thanks for sharing - I meant to listen to Michael's call yesterday and was unable too. I'll be sure to do so :).

Can't wait to help you "live your 4-Hour Work Week!!
